Expansion Juridico – “Gastric illness claims: the beginning of the end?”

The leading specialized national journal, “Expansión Jurídico” publishes today an article written by our partner David Diez Ramos relating to the recent developments in English law and the potential change in attitude of the English courts on these types of claims brought against foreign hotels and tour-operators.

Click here to read the article.

Conference – “Evolution and trends in the logistics sector” – Valencia

Our partner Luis Alberto García will participate on April 19 in the free event on “Evolution and trends in the logistics sector” organized in Valencia by the international insurance broker Willis Tower Watson. Luis will address the legal challenges of logistics 4.0.

The professionals interested in attending will find more information about the event here.

Jurisdiction clauses: new scenario for shipping companies and freight forwarders

Observations of our partner Luis Alberto García on how our recent jurisprudence is addressing the issue of the validity of the jurisdiction clauses of bills of lading after the entry into force of the Spanish Maritime Navigation Law in September 2014. 

Click here to read the article in the free online newspaper Cadena de Suministro.

Also available on request from rogers@rogersco.es